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Sunday 19 September 2010

What we have done so far.

At the start of my first lesson in media studies i was given a breif introduction on the course and how to make a blog on a website called Blogger. My teacher also told me how to personalise my blog in different ways like the design, add pictures, change layout, settings and also add different gadgets and videos etc. The following lesson we got showed how to use are school email adrress and how to link and send messages to are teacher if we were struggling and unsure with are work tasks. Then we were showed how to register with a programe called Slideshare and was showed how to send powerpoints to are posts. At the end of the lesson we were then told to choose are groups we would work with (Aaron Payne)  througout the course. Then we were showed how to briefley use the cameras we would be using for are premilinary task and also what sort of camera shots we would have to use. Lastly we then started to produce are ideas on are comic strips in are groups.  

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