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Wednesday 3 November 2010

3rd November 2010

Today in the lesson my partner in my group was not there but i was still able to perform some jobs. Are teacher gave us 5 main projects to work on about are teen horror and gave us specific time in which all these should be done by the 17th November. Also we were then showed previous teen horror movies from past year 12's and we analysed briefly what worked and didn't work in the films.

Pitching Our Opening Idea

On November 1st all the groups had to prepare a little speech to the teacher. Me and Aaron presented are idea to him while we was being recorded and after we got feedback whether or not it was a good idea which would work or wether it needed work on. Gladly are idea was accepted and we could then move on to think about are film opening.

Wednesday 20 October 2010

Improving Our Speaches

Today in the lesson we were concentrating on are speeches which we will be performing to are examiner while it is being filmed. My group has completed a brief synopsis of are film but more still needs to be added.

Monday 18 October 2010

The Pitch Of Our Horror Movie

Today in lesson we were taught what the process is of making films. We realised the amount of financial backing is needed even for low shoe stringed budgets which is still high amounts of cash. Also how much time and effort it is to organise dates, settings, props and castings at the right times to produce the film. It is split into three main categories: Pre-Production, Production and Post-Production.

After we then got told we would have to pitch are idea of are teen horror films to are chief examiner on November 1st on which should include a working title and brief details about the storyline of the film.

Monday 11 October 2010

Horror Film : Wrong Turn

On the  6th October, we looked at the article about the opening of 'The Shining', a classic horror film starring Jack Nicholson. We then got shown a film called Wrong Turn produced in 2003 which is a teen horror movie. We were given a task to pick out key conventions like audio and visual elements which made it a good start to the film.

There are many different visual elements used in Wrong Turn. At the start of the film there is a very high birds eye view of the settings which emphasises to the audience that these people are in the middle of nowhere and are going to be very vunerable. Also the camera is panning across the top of the trees and gets faster and faster as they get nearer the location of the teen couple which creates a slight mood of tension and creates a atmosphere of danger. Also when this is going on there are audio elements going on to add to the atmosphere, there is freaky and off putting music going and and the instruments used are mainly stringed instruments which creates a high pitched spooky sound, also added is a high tempo drumming noise to increase the tension of the opening scene.


Transfering Data to the Macs

Today in media we had 2 hours to complete two task. One was to import are captured recordings onto the Macs and the other was after this to edit are prelim task together. Me and Aaron and a few others had to still film are prelim task so for the first hour we were Doing that and we got it completed. The second task didn't go very well because we were unable to log onto the Macs and wasn't able to edit are recorded film so we had to go to the I.T technicians and try and get it sorted out, unfortunately is wasn't possible that lesson and we will have to catch up with are editing another day.

Tuesday 5 October 2010

Watching Horror Movies

Today in the lesson we were watching the start of some horror movies. Jeepers Creepers 1 and 2 also we watched Dead Earth. We were told to watch out for conventions that would make the audience now and be frightened of the horror film.

Wednesday 29 September 2010

29th September 2010

Today in the lesson we were discussing about the topic horror movies. We were shown many different things that scare people and were told to say what we found most scary in are lives. We then got told to do for homework a PowerPoint about horror movies and include what film we got selected from the teacher randomly and add in it the PowerPoint, which we could add to are blog through Slide share. I got the film Alice, sweet Alice.

Tuesday 28 September 2010

28th September 2010

In my last media lesson we started of in the media room, we were then split up into two halves and one half stayed in the media room on the macs and another went out to film the start of the preliminary task. My group started of on the Macs where were were shown by the teacher how to transfer content like videos and pictures captured could be put onto the Macs. Then we were shown more ways in which to edit videos on Final Cut and we were then allowed to play around with the software.
After the first lesson we then swapped with the other half of the class and me and Aaron Payne went to film are task and we managed to film the whole of it but we need just a bit more for a complete job.

Wednesday 22 September 2010

Practising On the Macs.

Today we were working in the media room with the Macs in are are groups. We were shown how to use a video editing programme and also how to work on the Macs generally. After the tutorial we were allowed to play around with the programme and gets to grips with how to edit etc. At the end of the lesson we were showed a previous year thirteen two minute horror movie to see what sort of films we would be aiming for and how they did it with the editing programme we would be using.

Tuesday 21 September 2010

What we did in lesson

In the past lesson we continued to work on are priliminary tasks in are groups. The aim of the lesson was to finish are storyboards of the primilanry task we were going to perform, however my group did not finish in time and we will continue on it next lesson. Also are teacher gave us an in depth analysis on how to use the camera's and how the tripod fits all together and how we could use it in different positions to create different camera angles and shots. We also got given group names to distinguish who was in what group more easily, my groups nickname is Lynch.

Sunday 19 September 2010

What we have done so far.

At the start of my first lesson in media studies i was given a breif introduction on the course and how to make a blog on a website called Blogger. My teacher also told me how to personalise my blog in different ways like the design, add pictures, change layout, settings and also add different gadgets and videos etc. The following lesson we got showed how to use are school email adrress and how to link and send messages to are teacher if we were struggling and unsure with are work tasks. Then we were showed how to register with a programe called Slideshare and was showed how to send powerpoints to are posts. At the end of the lesson we were then told to choose are groups we would work with (Aaron Payne)  througout the course. Then we were showed how to briefley use the cameras we would be using for are premilinary task and also what sort of camera shots we would have to use. Lastly we then started to produce are ideas on are comic strips in are groups.